



CONTACTS Yoni Massage Milan - Tantra del Sole
MAIL: tantradelsole@gmail.com  

PHONE: +39 351 9834097  Also on WHATSAPP and TELEGRAM with nick @tantradelsole
Erotic massages for women in Milan - Yoni tantra massage Milan, Venice, Salsomaggiore Terme, Tabiano Terme, Fidenza



Every proposed treatment is carried out with the utmost professionalism and seriousness, WITHOUT ANY SEXUAL PURPOSE

The person who decides to receive one of my treatments does so in full consciousness and awareness.
The sole objective of my treatments is to enhance well-being physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually through massage that leads to a gradual awakening of one's awareness.



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Erotic massage for women...in the dark!



The hyper-sensory tantra yoni massage in Milan





"Sensations and more sensations... they are the only thing you can count on ..."
Raffaele, Tantra del Sole

I present to you the enfant prodige, the newborn erotic massage in the dark for women in Milan.  I am excited just writing about it... it is a unique treatment that combines the emotional part with the sensual and spiritual parts. The main feature of this yoni massage is that it is performed in two variants, depending on preference: in a completely dark room, or with a blindfold on the recipient's eyes.


Being sensually massaged in total darkness is already erotic in itself. It is perhaps the true conception of total well-being, which awakens the dormant senses and distracted. The erotic massage in the dark favors the tactile experience, the genuine one of the first months of life, which brings us back to true tranquility.


Being enveloped by darkness, by carefully chosen music, by the scents of essential oils and... forgetting everything. Discovering your body and what surrounds us through the skin is good for the body and mind. Then the yoni massage I propose is a true professional naturist massage from head to toe, rich and full of emotions that you can let flow freely to the outside, for an erotic massage session never experienced before. 


How does the erotic massage in the dark work?

The yoni tantra massage transforms into something divine, due to the temporary abandonment of the flow of visual information, in an exciting session, with a high erotic charge. The tactile sensoriality is taken to the extreme. Together with hearing, it becomes the only tool for relating to reality.


It is known that a person receives over 70% of information through sight. Without visual support, the woman focuses on the remaining senses, making them incredibly sensitive and effective.
This bodily sensitivity brings positive changes in the emotional sphere. The situation of darkness helps to establish a special trust between the masseur and the woman, who, relying on a specialist, feels in complete safety and peace.
As the yoni massage progresses, the recipient becomes more and more comfortable, removes her psychological barriers and embarks on a journey into a world of fantasy, associations, and images... with eyes closed. The spheres of inner and outer pleasure open to unreached peaks. This is reported by enthusiasts of this type of erotic massage who have experienced it in Milan. 


What are the effects of the yoni massage in the dark?

Those who have received it claim that this practice has a profound regenerating and rebalancing effect. They confess that it allows them to free themselves from internal barriers, fears, and worries, from critical self-assessment and the internal monologue that never stops.
It also helps to build a new type of self-confidence and towards others, because it increases self-esteem and the feeling of being able to overcome the "fear of the dark," a concept applicable in all spheres of life.
Women who have experienced the sensual massage in the dark describe a deep relaxation and a sense of calm after the session.


To be tried at least once in a lifetime... to be recommended to the women you really care about!