PHONE: +39 351 9834097 Also on WHATSAPP and TELEGRAM with nick @tantradelsole
Erotic massages for women in Milan - Yoni tantra massage Milan, Venice, Salsomaggiore Terme, Tabiano Terme, Fidenza
Every proposed treatment is carried out with the utmost professionalism and seriousness, WITHOUT ANY SEXUAL PURPOSE.
The person who decides to receive one of my treatments does so in full consciousness and awareness.
The sole objective of my treatments is to enhance well-being physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually through massage that leads to a gradual awakening of one's awareness.
P.iva 01255350256
Here is the house specialty! The Shirodhorgasm is my exclusive technique, no other tantra masseur does it.
I take you to the top of the pyramid... you'll touch the sky with a finger! Promise!
This massage is unique because it combines a gem of traditional Indian Ayurvedic massage, the Shiro Dhara, which is the pouring of oil on the forehead, with the tantric yoni massage.
A bomb, pure roller coasters.
Relaxation, pleasure, ascending climax, orgasmic peak, gradual descent, and mind reset that will be tuned to a mood of peace and inner serenity.
This type of tantra yoni massage not only relaxes the body but stimulates all the senses simultaneously. The result is to re-circulate the creative sexual energy in all body districts.
The magic and mystery of this treatment lie in the combination of spirituality, mystical experience, and healthy sensuality in erotic massage techniques.
If you relax and let yourself fall into the hands of the tantra masseur, gradually the muscles of the body will loosen, improving blood circulation and facilitating the work of the lymphatic system.
In the case of women with intimate sphere disorders, massages can help alleviate pain during sexual intercourse due to lack of arousal or can also awaken libido.
Tantric massages for women in Milan can help improve a woman's mood, removing anger, irritability, mood swings, depression, apathy, a sense of boredom and all those states that do not allow one to fully live life, with joy and gratitude.
The erotic tantric massage is based on the knowledge and experience of the ancient Indians. The combined work of male and female energy contributes to the perfect relaxation of the human body as a whole. Only after reaching a certain level of relaxation can a woman's body release blocked erotic energy. The creative erotic sexual energy revitalizes the entire psycho-physical system, renewing it with new vital strength.
Don't miss the chance to try the erotic massage for women Shirodhorgasm: you will relieve not only accumulated physical tension and stress but at the same time, you will be able to relax and gain strength and enthusiasm for the following days.
IMPORTANT: if you are attracted to this treatment but are not sure if you feel ready for it in the first session, we can decide together which classic treatment (decontracting, relaxing anti-stress, draining, etc.) is most suitable for you. We will start softly to allow you to get to know me, trust me, and let go of any fear or apprehension. You will be able to become familiar with the touch of a "stranger" on your body. Sometimes this phase is preparatory to the natural and spontaneous advancement towards the yoni tantra massage.
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